Source code for pycalculix.results_file

"""This module stores the Results_File class."""

import collections
import math # used for metric number conversion
import os #need to check if results file exists
import re # used to get info from frd file
import subprocess # used to check ccx version

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import as cmx
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.polynomial import roots # need to find S1-S3
from numpy.core.function_base import linspace # need to make contours

from . import base_classes # needed for RESFIELDS
from . import environment
from . import mesh

CMAP = 'jet'

[docs]class ResultsFile(object): """Makes a results file. Args: problem (Problem): problem that was solved Attributes: __problem (Problem): parent problem __steps (list): a list of float time steps __results (dict): a dict storing the results data results[step]['node'][nnum][field] --> value results[step]['element'][enum]['avg'][field] --> value results[step]['element'][enum]['max'][field] --> value results[step]['element'][enum]['min'][field] --> value results[step]['element'][enum]['ipoints'][ipnum][field] --> value field = 'ux' or 'Seqv' or 'ey' etc. __time (float): current time we are looking at, defaults to -1 When a file is loaded in, the first time step is loaded. """ def __init__(self, problem): self.__problem = problem self.__steps = [] # this stores a list of time steps self.__results = {} # stores results, nested dicts self.__time = -1 if self.__problem.solved: self.load() @property def steps(self): """Returns a list of loaded time steps. Note: this is read only, you can not assign a value to it. """ return self.__steps @property def time(self): """Returns the current time (float) in the results file. Note: this is read only, you can not assign a value to it. """ return self.__time @staticmethod def __metric_num(number, sig_figs=3, sci=False): """Returns string of number, with only 10**3 suffixes. If 0 <= number < 1000 no suffix is added. This is useful for quantities usually given in metric: stress, displacement. Args: number (float or int): the number we want converted to __metric_number sig_figs (int): number of significant figures to use, right of decimal sci (bool): True means use scientific formatting, False use metric """ if sci: format_str = "%.{}e".format(sig_figs) my_str = format_str % number else: format_str = "%.{}f".format(sig_figs) my_str = format_str % number if number != 0: # get the scientific exponent exp = math.floor(math.log10(abs(number))) metric_exp = exp - (exp % 3) new_float = number/(10**metric_exp) if metric_exp != 0: format_str = "%.{}fe%i".format(sig_figs) my_str = format_str % (new_float, metric_exp) return my_str
[docs] def load(self): """Loads the results file with problem.fname prefix.""" self.__read_frd() # read nodal results self.__read_dat() # read element integration pt results
[docs] def nplot(self, field, fname='', display=True, levels=21, gradient=False, gmult=1.0, max_val=None, min_val=None, title=''): """Plots nodal results. Args: field (str): results item to plot, examples: 'ux', 'ey', 'Seqv' fname (str): prefix of png file name, if writing an image display (bool): True = interactively show the plot levels (int): number of levels to use in the colorbar gradient (bool): True = results plotted with gradient False = results plotted with filled areas gmult (int): geometric multiplier on displacement of nodes displayed_node_loc = model_node_loc + gmult*node_displacement max_val (float or None): max value in the colorbar - None: max from selected data used - float: use the passed float min_val (float): min value in the colorbar - None: min from selected data used - float: use the passed float title (str): third line in the plot title """ # store the selected nodes and elements sel = {} sel['nodes'] = self.__problem.fea.view.nodes sel['elements'] = self.__problem.fea.view.elements sel['faces'] = self.__problem.fea.view.faces # sort nodes low to high so index is correct # we have index to id below so showing subsets works sel['nodes'] = list(sel['nodes']) sel['nodes'] = sorted(sel['nodes'], key=lambda k: # store results at nodes axials = [] radials = [] zvals = [] id_to_ind = {} for node in sel['nodes']: id_to_ind[] = len(axials) axi = node.y + gmult*self.__results[self.__time]['node'][]['uy'] rad = node.x + gmult*self.__results[self.__time]['node'][]['ux'] axials.append(axi) radials.append(rad) zvals.append(self.__results[self.__time]['node'][][field]) # make a list of triangles, given by indices, looping anticlockwise triangles = [] mylist = [] if len(sel['elements']) > 0: mylist = sel['elements'] elif len(sel['faces']) > 0: mylist = sel['faces'] for element in mylist: tris = element.get_tris() # list of triangle nodes for tri in tris: for ind, nid in enumerate(tri): tri[ind] = id_to_ind[nid] # convert id to index triangles += tris # check to see if selected nodes and elements are # in the parent model's nodes and elements fig = plt.figure() ax_ = fig.add_subplot(111) # need to set tick list here vmin = min(zvals) vmax = max(zvals) stop_plot = False if max_val != None and min_val == None: if max_val < vmin: stop_plot = True print('Error:') print(' Only max was passed but it is < the data min!') print(' Pass a max_val that is > the data min of %f' % vmin) else: vmax = max_val elif min_val != None and max_val == None: if min_val > vmax: stop_plot = True print('Error:') print(' Only min was passed but it is > the data max!') print(' Pass a min_val that is < the data max of %f' % vmax) else: vmin = min_val elif max_val != None and min_val != None: if max_val < min_val: stop_plot = True print('Error:') print(' Min and max passed, but min > max!') print(' Pass a min_val that is < max_val') else: vmax = max_val vmin = min_val # exit if stop plot flag is on if stop_plot: return None tick_list = [vmin] if vmax != vmin: # we have a range of values we're plotting tick_list = linspace(vmin, vmax, levels+1) # plot using a gradient(shaded) or levels # code required for the colorbar, needs to go before plotting for colormap cnorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) cmap = colors.ListedColormap(['b', 'b']) # default to plot one val if vmax != vmin: # we have a range of values we're plotting if gradient: cmap = plt.get_cmap(CMAP) else: cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet', levels) cmap.set_under('0.3', 0.8) cmap.set_over('0.7', 0.8) if gradient or len(tick_list) == 1: # This one is shaded plt.tripcolor(axials, radials, triangles, zvals, shading='gouraud', cmap=cmap, norm=cnorm) else: # this one is not shaded plt.tricontourf(axials, radials, triangles, zvals, levels=tick_list, cmap=cmap, norm=cnorm, extend='both') scalarmap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cnorm, cmap=cmap) scalarmap.set_array([]) cbar = plt.colorbar(scalarmap, orientation='vertical', ticks=tick_list) scibool = False if field[0] == 'e': # strain plotting, use scientific numbering scibool = True met_max = self.__metric_num(max(zvals), sci=scibool) met_min = self.__metric_num(min(zvals), sci=scibool) label = 'Max: %s\nMin: %s' % (met_max, met_min) tick_list = [self.__metric_num(tick, sci=scibool) for tick in tick_list], labelpad=10, x=0, ha='left')'top') # set the horizontal and vertical axes base_classes.plot_set_bounds(plt, axials, radials) # set units alist = self.__problem.fea.get_units(field, 'dist', 'time') [f_unit, d_unit, t_unit] = alist # set plot axes plot_title = ('Node %s%s\nTime=%f%s' % (field, f_unit, self.__time, t_unit)) if title != '': plot_title += '\n%s' % title plt.title(plot_title) plt.xlabel('axial, y'+d_unit) plt.ylabel('radial, x'+d_unit) ax_.set_aspect('equal') if gmult != 1: ax_.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax_.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) base_classes.plot_finish(plt, fname, display)
[docs] def eplot(self, field, fname='', display=True, levels=21, gmult=1.0, mode='avg', max_val=None, min_val=None, title=''): """Plots element results. Args: field (str): results item to plot. Only stresses supported. Examples: 'Sx', 'Sxy', 'S1', 'Seqv' etc. fname (str): prefix of png file name, if writing an image display (bool): True = interactively show the plot levels (int): number of levels to use in the colorbar gmult (int): geometric multiplier on displacement of nodes displayed_node_loc = model_node_loc + gmult*node_displacement mode (str): the type of element result to plot - 'avg': integration points averaged to avg element result - 'max': max value of field in the integration points plotted - 'min': min value of field in the integration points plotted max_val (float or None): max value in the colorbar - None: max from selected data used - float: use the passed float min_val (float): min value in the colorbar - None: min from selected data used - float: use the passed float title (str): third line in the plot title """ # store the selected nodes and elements sel = {} sel['nodes'] = self.__problem.fea.view.nodes sel['elements'] = self.__problem.fea.view.elements sel['faces'] = self.__problem.fea.view.faces # sort nodes low to high so index is correct # we have index to id below so showing subsets works sel['nodes'] = list(sel['nodes']) sel['nodes'] = sorted(sel['nodes'], key=lambda k: # store results at nodes axials = [] radials = [] zvals = [] id_to_ind = {} for node in sel['nodes']: id_to_ind[] = len(axials) axi = node.y + gmult*self.__results[self.__time]['node'][]['uy'] rad = node.x + gmult*self.__results[self.__time]['node'][]['ux'] axials.append(axi) radials.append(rad) # make a list of triangles, given by indices, looping anticlockwise triangles = [] mylist = [] if len(sel['elements']) > 0: mylist = sel['elements'] elif len(sel['faces']) > 0: mylist = sel['faces'] for ele in mylist: val = self.__results[self.__time]['element'][][mode][field] tris = ele.get_tris() # list of triangle nodes defined by node id for tri in tris: zvals.append(val) for ind, nid in enumerate(tri): tri[ind] = id_to_ind[nid] # convert id to index triangles += tris # check to see if selected nodes and elements are # in the parent model's nodes and elements fig = plt.figure() ax_ = fig.add_subplot(111) # need to set tick list here vmin = min(zvals) vmax = max(zvals) stop_plot = False if max_val != None and min_val == None: if max_val < vmin: stop_plot = True print('Error:') print(' Only max was passed but it is < the data min!') print(' Pass a max_val that is > the data min of %f' % vmin) else: vmax = max_val elif min_val != None and max_val == None: if min_val > vmax: stop_plot = True print('Error:') print(' Only min was passed but it is > the data max!') print(' Pass a min_val that is < the data max of %f' % vmax) else: vmin = min_val elif max_val != None and min_val != None: if max_val < min_val: stop_plot = True print('Error:') print(' Min and max passed, but min > max!') print(' Pass a min_val that is < max_val') else: vmax = max_val vmin = min_val # exit if stop plot flag is on if stop_plot: return None tick_list = [vmin] if vmax != vmin: # we have a range of values we're plotting tick_list = linspace(vmin, vmax, levels+1) # code required for the colorbar, needs to go before plotting for cmap cnorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) cmap = colors.ListedColormap(['b', 'b']) # default to plot one val if vmax != vmin: # we have a range of values we're plotting cmap = plt.get_cmap(CMAP, levels) cmap.set_under('0.3', 0.8) cmap.set_over('0.7', 0.8) # plot using levels plt.tripcolor(axials, radials, triangles, zvals, shading='flat', cmap=cmap, norm=cnorm) scalarmap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cnorm, cmap=cmap) scalarmap.set_array([]) cbar = plt.colorbar(scalarmap, orientation='vertical', ticks=tick_list) scibool = False if field[0] == 'e': # strain plotting, use scientific numbering scibool = True met_max = self.__metric_num(max(zvals), sci=scibool) met_min = self.__metric_num(min(zvals), sci=scibool) label = 'Max: %s\nMin: %s' % (met_max, met_min) tick_list = [self.__metric_num(tick, sci=scibool) for tick in tick_list], labelpad=10, x=0, ha='left')'top') # set the horizontal and vertical axes base_classes.plot_set_bounds(plt, axials, radials) # set units alist = self.__problem.fea.get_units(field, 'dist', 'time') [f_unit, d_unit, t_unit] = alist # set plot axes plot_title = ('Element %s %s%s\nTime=%f%s' % (mode, field, f_unit, self.__time, t_unit)) if title != '': plot_title += '\n%s' % title plt.title(plot_title) plt.xlabel('axial, y'+d_unit) plt.ylabel('radial, x'+d_unit) ax_.set_aspect('equal') if gmult != 1: ax_.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax_.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) base_classes.plot_finish(plt, fname, display)
[docs] def set_time(self, time): """Sets the time point we're looking at in the results file. Args: time (float): time we are setting """ if time in self.steps: self.__time = time print('Results file time set to: %f' % (self.__time)) else: print('Time %f is not in the loaded times. Valid times are:') print(self.steps)
[docs] def plot_gradient(self, start_point, end_point, field, fname='', display=True, title='', max_val=None, min_val=None, curve_fitting=True, n_poly=3, n_subpoints=500, legend=True): """Create diagram with data projected onto line on the undeformed geometry. Args: start_point [float, float]: starting point of line. [x, y] end_point [float, float]: end point of line. Example: [x, y] field (str): results item to plot, examples: 'ux', 'ey', 'Seqv' fname (str): prefix of png file name, if writing an image display (bool): True = interactively show the plot title (str): third line in the plot title max_val (float or None): max value in the y-axis - None: max from selected data used - float: use the passed float min_val (float or None): min value in the y-axis - None: min from selected data used - float: use the passed float curve_fitting (bool): True = a curve is fitted to the gradient n_poly (int): numbers of polygons for fitting n_subpoints (int): numbers of points the line is subdivided into legend (bool): True = legend with fitted equation is shown """ # store the selected nodes and elements sel = {} sel['nodes'] = self.__problem.fea.view.nodes # sort nodes low to high so index is correct # we have index to id below so showing subsets works sel['nodes'] = list(sel['nodes']) sel['nodes'] = sorted(sel['nodes'], key=lambda k: # store results at nodes node_position = np.zeros((len(sel['nodes']),2)) field_values = np.zeros(len(sel['nodes'])) for idx, node in enumerate(sel['nodes']): node_position[idx] = [node.x, node.y] field_values[idx] = self.__results[self.__time]['node'][][field] #create subpoints on line subpoints = np.zeros((n_subpoints, 3)) #[x, y, line position] subpoints[:,0] = np.linspace(start_point[0], end_point[0], n_subpoints) subpoints[:,1] = np.linspace(start_point[1], end_point[1], n_subpoints) subpoints[:,2] = np.arange(n_subpoints) / n_subpoints * np.sqrt(np.sum( (np.array(start_point) - np.array(end_point))**2)) #calculate weighted field value for every subpoint wfield = np.zeros(n_subpoints) for idx in range(n_subpoints): #calculate inverse of distance from nodes to subpoints dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((node_position-subpoints[idx,0:2])**2,axis=1)) #calculte weighted field value #dist[dist < 1E-10] = 1E-10 #inv_dist = 1. / dist**3 #wfield[idx] = np.average(field_values, weights=inv_dist) #use nearest value wfield[idx] = field_values[min(range(len(dist)),key=dist.__getitem__)] #plot diagram fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) ax_ = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.plot(subpoints[:,2], wfield, '-r', linewidth=2.5, label=field) if curve_fitting==True: #execute curve fitting if needed poly = np.polyfit(subpoints[:,2], wfield, n_poly) #string for equation of fitted function funcstring = [str(np.round(poly[i]))+u'*x^'+str(np.arange(n_poly,0,-1)[i]) for i in range(n_poly)] funcstring.append(str(np.round(poly[-1]))) funcstring = '+'.join(funcstring) func = np.poly1d(poly) plt.plot(subpoints[:,2], func(subpoints[:,2]), '--k', linewidth=1.5, label=funcstring) # set units alist = self.__problem.fea.get_units(field, 'dist', 'time') [f_unit, d_unit, t_unit] = alist # set plot axes plot_title = ('Gradient %s%s\nTime=%f%s' %(field, f_unit, self.__time, t_unit)) if title != '': plot_title += '\n%s' % title plt.title(plot_title) plt.xlabel('path position'+d_unit) plt.ylabel(field + ' ' +f_unit) #show legend if needed if legend == True: plt.legend() #set limits on y-axis if min_val!=None: plt.gca().set_ylim(bottom=min_val) if max_val!=None: plt.gca().set_ylim(top=max_val) plt.grid() base_classes.plot_finish(plt, fname, display)
[docs] def get_relative_gradient(self, start_point, end_point, field, n_poly=3, n_subpoints=500): """Calculte relative stress gradient (gradient/start_value) Args: start_point [(float), (float)]: starting point of line. [x, y] end_point [(float), (float)]: end point of line. Example: [x, y] field (str): results item to plot, examples: 'ux', 'ey', 'Seqv' Kargs: n_poly (int): numbers of polygons for fitting, min=2 n_subpoints (int): numbers of points the line is subdivided into """ # store the selected nodes and elements sel = {} sel['nodes'] = self.__problem.fea.view.nodes # sort nodes low to high so index is correct # we have index to id below so showing subsets works sel['nodes'] = list(sel['nodes']) sel['nodes'] = sorted(sel['nodes'], key=lambda k: # store results at nodes node_position = np.zeros((len(sel['nodes']),2)) field_values = np.zeros(len(sel['nodes'])) for idx, node in enumerate(sel['nodes']): node_position[idx] = [node.x, node.y] field_values[idx] = self.__results[self.__time]['node'][][field] #create subpoints on line subpoints = np.zeros((n_subpoints, 3)) #[x, y, line position] subpoints[:,0] = np.linspace(start_point[0], end_point[0], n_subpoints) subpoints[:,1] = np.linspace(start_point[1], end_point[1], n_subpoints) subpoints[:,2] = np.arange(n_subpoints) / n_subpoints * np.sqrt(np.sum( (np.array(start_point) - np.array(end_point))**2)) #calculate weighted field value for every subpoint wfield = np.zeros(n_subpoints) for idx in range(n_subpoints): #calculate inverse of distance from nodes to subpoints dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((node_position-subpoints[idx,0:2])**2,axis=1)) #use nearest value wfield[idx] = field_values[min(range(len(dist)),key=dist.__getitem__)] #curve fitting poly = np.polyfit(subpoints[:,2], wfield, n_poly) rel_grad = abs(poly[-2])/abs(poly[-1]) return rel_grad
@staticmethod def __utot(vals): """Returns the total displacement distance, given [dx,dy,dz]. Args: vals (list): [dx, dy, dz] list of displacements in x, y, and z axes Returns: res (float): displacement """ # computes sum of the squares res = [a**2 for a in vals] res = (sum(res))**0.5 return res @staticmethod def __seqv(vals): """Returns the Von Mises stress, which will be stored as 'Seqv'. Args: vals (list): list of six stresses [s11,s22,s33,s12,s13,s23] Returns: res (float): Von Mises stress """ [s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23] = vals aval = s11 - s22 bval = s22 - s33 cval = s33 - s11 dval = s12**2 + s23**2 +s13**2 res = (0.5*(aval**2 + bval**2 + cval**2 +6*dval))**0.5 return res @staticmethod def __principals(vals): """Returns principal stresses [S1,S2,S3]. Args: vals (list): six stresses [s11,s22,s33,s12,s13,s23] Returns: res (list): principal stresses [S1,S2,S3] stresses are high-to-low """ # calculates and returns principal stresses, S1, S2, S3 [s11, s22, s33, s12, s13, s23] = vals aval = 1 bval = (s11 + s22 + s33)*-1.0 cval = (s11*s22 + s11*s33 + s22*s33 - s12**2 - s13**2 - s23**2) dval = (s11*s22*s33 + 2*s12*s13*s23 - s11*(s23**2) - s22*(s13**2) - s33*(s12**2))*-1.0 res = list(roots([aval, bval, cval, dval])) res = sorted(res, reverse=True) return res def __get_data_dict(self, time, type_str): """Returns the data dict at the correct time for element or node. Args: time (float): None or the time we want, if None use current time type_str: 'element' or 'node' Returns: res (dict or None): dictionary with field values in it None if the time was invalid """ res = self.__results[self.__time][type_str] if time != None: if time not in self.steps: print('Error: passed time is not in steps!') print(' Pass a time in the steps:') print(self.steps) return None else: res = self.__results[time][type_str] return res
[docs] def get_nmax(self, field, time=None): """Returns the max value of node results field in selected nodes. Reports results for the current time. Args: field (str): results field, for example 'ux', 'ey', 'S1', 'Seqv' time (None or float): the time to query - None: uses the current time - float: uses the passed float time Returns: res (float): max value """ nodes = self.__problem.fea.view.nodes node_ids = [ for node in nodes] data_dict = self.__get_data_dict(time, 'node') if data_dict == None: return None ndicts = [data_dict[nid] for nid in node_ids] res = [ndict[field] for ndict in ndicts] res = max(res) return res
[docs] def get_nmin(self, field, time=None): """Returns the min value of node results field in selected nodes. Reports results for the current time. Args: field (str): results field, for example 'ux', 'ey', 'S1', 'Seqv' time (None or float): the time to query - None: uses the current time - float: uses the passed float time Returns: res (float): min value """ nodes = self.__problem.fea.view.nodes node_ids = [ for node in nodes] data_dict = self.__get_data_dict(time, 'node') if data_dict == None: return None ndicts = [data_dict[nid] for nid in node_ids] res = [ndict[field] for ndict in ndicts] res = min(res) return res
[docs] def get_nval(self, node, field, time=None): """Returns the field result value under node. Result will be returned whether or not passed node is selected. Args: node (str or Node): node we are asking about field (str): the results item we want: 'ux', 'Sy', 'Seqv', 'fx' time (None or float): the time to query - None: uses the current time - float: uses the passed float time Returns: res (float or None): float value if field exists, None otherwise """ items = self.__problem.fea.get_item(node) if len(items) == 1: if isinstance(items[0], mesh.Node): nnum = items[0].id data_dict = self.__get_data_dict(time, 'node') if data_dict == None: return None ndict = data_dict[nnum] if field in ndict: res = ndict[field] return res else: print('Passed field is not in the results!') return None else: print('You did not pass in a node!') print('A single node or string node name must be passed in!') return None else: print('A single node or string node name must be passed in!') return None
[docs] def get_fsum(self, item): """Returns the force sum on nodes under a given point or line. Reports results for the current time. Args: item (Point or SignLine): item that has reaction forces on its nodes Returns: list: [fx, fy, fz] reaction forces in each axis, force units """ (fxx, fyy, fzz) = ([], [], []) nodes = item.nodes nodes = [ for n in nodes] for node in nodes: f_x = self.__results[self.__time]['node'][node]['fx'] f_y = self.__results[self.__time]['node'][node]['fy'] f_z = self.__results[self.__time]['node'][node]['fz'] if f_x != 0 or f_y != 0 or f_z != 0: fxx.append(f_x) fyy.append(f_y) fzz.append(f_z) fxx = sum(fxx) fyy = sum(fyy) fzz = sum(fzz) return [fxx, fyy, fzz]
[docs] def get_emax(self, field, time=None, mode='avg'): """Returns the max results field value of selected elements at curent time. Args: field (str): results field, stresses supported 'S1', 'Sx', etc. time (None or float): the time to query - None: uses the current time - float: uses the passed float time mode (str): type of element result to give back - 'max': for each element only use the max value of field over all of its integration points - 'min': for each element only use the min value of field over all of its integration points - 'avg': for each element only use an average of all integration points in the eleemnt. Principal streses and Seqv are calculated after averaging 6 stress components. Returns: res (float): max value """ res = [] elements = self.__problem.fea.view.elements data_dict = self.__get_data_dict(time, 'element') if data_dict == None: return None for element in elements: enum = edict = data_dict[enum][mode] res.append(edict[field]) res = max(res) return res
[docs] def get_emin(self, field, time=None, mode='avg'): """Returns the min results field value of selected elements at curent time. Args: field (str): results field, stresses supported 'S1', 'Sx', etc. time (None or float): the time to query - None: uses the current time - float: uses the passed float time mode (str): type of element result to give back - 'max': for each element only use the max value of field over all of its integration points - 'min': for each element only use the min value of field over all of its integration points - 'avg': for each element only use an average of all integration points in the eleemnt. Principal streses and Seqv are calculated after averaging 6 stress components. Returns: res (float): min value """ res = [] elements = self.__problem.fea.view.elements data_dict = self.__get_data_dict(time, 'element') if data_dict == None: return None for element in elements: enum = edict = data_dict[enum][mode] res.append(edict[field]) res = min(res) return res
[docs] def get_eval(self, element, field, time=None, mode='avg'): """Returns the field result value under element. Result will be returned whether or not passed element is selected. Args: element (str or Element): element we are asking about field (str): the results item we want: 'Sy', 'Seqv' mode (str): the type of element result to get - 'avg': integration points averaged to avg element result - 'max': max value of field in the integration points plotted - 'min': min value of field in the integration points plotted Returns: res (float or None): float value if field exists, None otherwise """ items = self.__problem.fea.get_item(element) if len(items) == 1: if isinstance(items[0], mesh.Element): enum = items[0].id data_dict = self.__get_data_dict(time, 'element') if data_dict == None: return None edict = data_dict[enum][mode] if field in edict: res = edict[field] return res else: print('Passed field is not in the results!') return None else: print('You did not pass in a element!') print('A single element or string element name must be given!') return None else: print('A single element or string element name must be given!') return None
@staticmethod def __get_vals(fstr, line): """Returns a list of typed items based on an input format string. Args: fst (str): C format string, commas separate fields line (str): line string to parse Returns: res (list): list of typed items extracted from the line """ res = [] fstr = fstr.split(',') thestr = str(line) for item in fstr: if item[0] == "'": # strip off the char quaotes item = item[1:-1] # this is a string entry, grab the val out of the line ind = len(item) fwd = thestr[:ind] thestr = thestr[ind:] res.append(fwd) else: # format is: 1X, A66, 5E12.5, I12 # 1X is number of spaces (mult, ctype) = (1, None) m_pat = re.compile(r'^\d+') # find multiplier c_pat = re.compile(r'[XIEA]') # find character if m_pat.findall(item) != []: mult = int(m_pat.findall(item)[0]) ctype = c_pat.findall(item)[0] if ctype == 'X': # we are dealing with spaces, just reduce the line size thestr = thestr[mult:] elif ctype == 'A': # character string only, add it to results fwd = thestr[:mult].strip() thestr = thestr[mult:] res.append(fwd) else: # IE, split line into m pieces w_pat = re.compile(r'[IE](\d+)') # find the num after char width = int(w_pat.findall(item)[0]) while mult > 0: # only add items if we have enough line to look at if width <= len(thestr): substr = thestr[:width] thestr = thestr[width:] substr = substr.strip() # remove space padding if ctype == 'I': substr = int(substr) elif ctype == 'E': substr = float(substr) res.append(substr) mult -= 1 return res @staticmethod def __get_first_dataline(infile): """ Reads infile until a line with data is found, then returns it A line that starts with ' -1' has data """ while True: line = infile.readline() if line[:3] == ' -1': return line def __store_time(self, time): """Stores the passed time in the results steps""" if time not in self.__steps: self.__steps.append(time) if time not in self.__results: new_dict = {'node': collections.defaultdict(dict), 'element': collections.defaultdict(dict)} self.__results[time] = new_dict def __modearr_estrsresults(self, infile, line): """Returns an array of line, mode, rfstr, time""" words = line.strip().split() # add time if not present time = float(words[-1]) self.__store_time(time) # set mode rfstr = "I10,2X,I2,6E14.2" mode = 'stress' infile.readline() line = infile.readline() return [line, mode, rfstr, time] def __modearr_nresults(self, infile): """Returns an array of line, mode, rfstr, time""" line = infile.readline() fstr = "1X,' 100','C',6A1,E12.5,I12,20A1,I2,I5,10A1,I2" tmp = self.__get_vals(fstr, line) #[key, code, setname, value, numnod, text, ictype, numstp, analys, format_] time, format_ = tmp[3], tmp[9] # set results format to short, long or binary # only short and long are parsed so far if format_ == 0: rfstr = "1X,I2,I5,6E12.5" elif format_ == 1: rfstr = "1X,I2,I10,6E12.5" elif format_ == 2: # binary pass # set the time self.__store_time(time) # get the name to determine if stress or displ line = infile.readline() fstr = "1X,I2,2X,8A1,2I5" # [key, name, ncomps, irtype] name = self.__get_vals(fstr, line)[1] mode_by_name = {'DISP': 'displ', 'STRESS': 'stress', 'TOSTRAIN': 'strain', 'FORC': 'force'} mode = mode_by_name[name] print('Reading '+mode+' storing: '+ ','.join(base_classes.RESFIELDS[mode])) line = self.__get_first_dataline(infile) return [line, mode, rfstr, time] def _save_node_displ(self, line, rfstr, time, mode='displ'): """Saves node displacement""" node, ux_, uy_, uz_ = self.__get_vals(rfstr, line)[1:] labs = base_classes.RESFIELDS[mode] vals = [ux_, uy_, uz_] utot = self.__utot(vals) vals.append(utot) adict = self.__results[time]['node'][node] for (label, val) in zip(labs, vals): adict[label] = val def _save_node_stress(self, line, rfstr, time, mode='stress'): """Saves node stress""" tmp = self.__get_vals(rfstr, line) # [key, node, sx, sy, sz, sxy, syz, szx] node, sxx, syy, szz, sxy, syz, szx = tmp[1:] labs = base_classes.RESFIELDS[mode] vals = [sxx, syy, szz, sxy, syz, szx] seqv = self.__seqv(vals) s_1, s_2, s_3 = self.__principals(vals) vals.append(seqv) vals += [s_1, s_2, s_3] adict = self.__results[time]['node'][node] for (label, val) in zip(labs, vals): adict[label] = val def _save_node_strain(self, line, rfstr, time, mode='strain'): """Saves node strain""" tmp = self.__get_vals(rfstr, line) # [key, node, ex, ey, ez, exy, eyz, ezx] node, exx, eyy, ezz, exy, eyz, ezx = tmp[1:] labs = base_classes.RESFIELDS[mode] vals = [exx, eyy, ezz, exy, eyz, ezx] eeqv = self.__seqv(vals) e_1, e_2, e_3 = self.__principals(vals) vals.append(eeqv) vals += [e_1, e_2, e_3] adict = self.__results[time]['node'][node] for (label, val) in zip(labs, vals): adict[label] = val def _save_node_force(self, line, rfstr, time, mode='force'): """Saves node force""" # [key, node, fx, fy, fz] node, f_x, f_y, f_z = self.__get_vals(rfstr, line)[1:] labs = base_classes.RESFIELDS[mode] vals = [f_x, f_y, f_z] adict = self.__results[time]['node'][node] for (label, val) in zip(labs, vals): adict[label] = val def _save_ele_stress(self, line, rfstr, time, mode='stress'): """Saves element integration point stresses""" labels = ['Sx', 'Sy', 'Sz', 'Sxy', 'Sxz', 'Syz'] vals = self.__get_vals(rfstr, line) # element_number, integration_pt_number enum, ipnum = vals[0], vals[1] stress_vals = vals[2:] adict = {} for (label, val) in zip(labels, stress_vals): adict[label] = val if enum not in self.__results[time]['element']: start_val = {'ipoints': {}, 'avg': {}, 'min': {}, 'max': {}} self.__results[time]['element'][enum] = start_val # each line is an integration point result self.__results[time]['element'][enum]['ipoints'][ipnum] = adict
[docs] def check_ccx_version(self, timeout=1): """Raises an exception of the calculix ccx version is too old""" runstr = "%s -version" % (environment.CCX) try: output_str = subprocess.check_output(runstr, timeout=timeout, shell=True) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, subprocess.TimeoutExpired) as ex: output_str = ex.output output_str = str(output_str, 'utf-8') matches = re.findall(r'\d+\.\d+', output_str) version_number = matches[-1] print('Using Calculix ccx version=%s ' '(trailing characters like the p in 2.8p are omitted)' % version_number) major_version, minor_version = [int(f) for f in version_number.split('.')] if major_version <= 2 and minor_version <= 8: raise Exception('Your version of calculix ccx is too old! ' 'Please update it to version >=2.8 with ' 'the command:\npycalculix-add-feaprograms') version = float(output_str.strip().split()[-1])
# extract version with regex def __read_frd(self): """ Reads a ccx frd results file which contains nodal results. The file format is desribed in the cgx docs """ fname = self.__problem.fname+'.frd' if not os.path.isfile(fname): print("Error: %s file not found" % fname) return # frd reading uses formatting from ccx 2.8 or higher so # throw an exception if our version is too old self.check_ccx_version(timeout=1) infile = open(fname, 'r') print('Loading nodal results from file: '+fname) mode = None time = 0.0 rfstr = '' while True: line = infile.readline() if not line: break # set the results mode if '1PSTEP' in line: # we are in a results block arr = self.__modearr_nresults(infile) line, mode, rfstr, time = arr # set mode to none if we hit the end of a resuls block if line[:3] == ' -3': mode = None if not mode: continue node_data_saver = getattr(self, '_save_node_' + mode) node_data_saver(line, rfstr, time) infile.close() print('The following times have been read:') print(self.__steps) print('Nodal results from file: %s have been read.' % fname) self.set_time(self.__steps[0]) def __read_dat(self): """ Reads ccx dat results file. It has element integration point results. """ fname = self.__problem.fname+'.dat' if not os.path.isfile(fname): print('Error: %s file not found' % fname) return infile = open(fname, 'r') print('Loading element results from file: '+fname) mode = None rfstr = '' time = 0.0 while True: line = infile.readline() if not line: break # check for stress, we skip down to the line data when # we call __modearr_estrsresults if 'stress' in line: arr = self.__modearr_estrsresults(infile, line) line, mode, rfstr, time = arr # reset the read type if we hit a blank line if line.strip() == '': mode = None if not mode: continue # store stress results self._save_ele_stress(line, rfstr, time) infile.close() # loop over all element results, calculating avg element result # by averaging integration point vals for time in self.__steps: for edict in self.__results[time]['element'].values(): ipoints = edict['ipoints'].values() stress_types = ['Sx', 'Sy', 'Sz', 'Sxy', 'Sxz', 'Syz'] strslist_by_strstype = collections.defaultdict(list) # set stress values in max, min, avg locations # of non-summary stress components for stress_type in stress_types: stress_vals = [ipt[stress_type] for ipt in ipoints] stress_avg = sum(stress_vals)/len(stress_vals) stress_max = max(stress_vals) stress_min = min(stress_vals) edict['avg'][stress_type] = stress_avg edict['max'][stress_type] = stress_max edict['min'][stress_type] = stress_min strslist_by_strstype[stress_type] = stress_vals # for each element, calc Seqv, S1, S2, S3 # at each integration point for ipt in ipoints: stress_vals = [ipt[stress_type] for stress_type in stress_types] seqv = self.__seqv(stress_vals) [s_1, s_2, s_3] = self.__principals(stress_vals) strslist_by_strstype['Seqv'].append(seqv) strslist_by_strstype['S1'].append(s_1) strslist_by_strstype['S2'].append(s_2) strslist_by_strstype['S3'].append(s_3) # now at the element level, store the avg, max, and min # of the Seqv and principal stresses we found at # integration points for stress_type in ['Seqv', 'S1', 'S2', 'S3']: stress_vals = strslist_by_strstype[stress_type] stress_avg = sum(stress_vals)/len(stress_vals) stress_max = max(stress_vals) stress_min = min(stress_vals) edict['avg'][stress_type] = stress_avg edict['max'][stress_type] = stress_max edict['min'][stress_type] = stress_min print('The following times have been read:') print(self.__steps) print('Element results from file: %s have been read.' % fname)