Source code for pycalculix.loads

"""This module stores load classes.
from math import pi

[docs]class ConstLoad(object): """Makes a load. Many types are supported. Possible load types: - forces - displacements - thickness (on nodes) - matl (on elements) - pressure (or stress on faces) - gravity (on elements) - rotation about an axis (on elements) Args: ltype (string): load type: - 'fx','fy','fz': force on each axis - 'ux','uy','uz': displacement on each axis - 'nodal_thickness': thickness on element nodes - 'matl': matl on elements - 'press': pressure, + is tension, - is compresion - 'gravity': gravity in x axis direction, - goes towards y axis - 'radps': radians per second rotation - 'rpm': rotations per minute rotation comp (Component): component that the load is applied to val (double or Matl): value of the load Matl is needed when setting material loads otherwise a double value is used to describe the load """ def __init__(self, ltype, comp, val): self.ltype = ltype self.comp = comp self.val = val
[docs] def get_list(self): """Returns a list of [item, val] for plotting.""" res = [] if self.ltype == 'press': # pressure faces = self.comp.get_children() for face in faces: res.append([face, self.val]) elif self.ltype in ['ux', 'uy', 'uz']: nodes = self.comp.get_children() load_dict = {self.ltype:self.val} for node in nodes: res.append([node, load_dict]) return res
[docs] def ccx(self): """Writes a load for Calculix ccx solver. Returns a list strings, where each item is a line to write to a Calculix .inp text file. """ res = [] cname = if self.ltype == 'press': # pressure res.append('** Pressure on component: '+cname) res.append('*DLOAD') faces = self.comp.get_children() for face in faces: myline = '%i,P%i,%f' % (,, self.val) res.append(myline) elif self.ltype == 'gravity': # gravity res.append('** Gravity on component: '+cname) res.append('*DLOAD') res.append('%s,GRAV,%f,-1.,0.,0.' % (cname, self.val)) elif self.ltype[0] == 'u': # displacement axis = self.ltype[1] anum = {'x':1, 'y':2, 'z':3} axis = anum[axis] res.append('*BOUNDARY') res.append('%s,%i,%i,%f' % (cname, axis, axis, self.val)) elif self.ltype[0] == 'f': # force res.append('** Force on component: '+cname) nodes = len(self.comp.items) fval = self.val/nodes axis = self.ltype[1] anum = {'x':1, 'y':2, 'z':3} axis = anum[axis] res.append('*CLOAD') res.append('%s,%i,%f' % (cname, axis, fval)) elif self.ltype == 'nodal_thickness': res.append('*NODAL THICKNESS') res.append('%s, %f' % (cname, self.val)) elif self.ltype == 'radps': radsq = self.val**2 # square the speed in radians per sec res.append('** Rotation force on component: '+cname) res.append('** Speed = '+str(self.val)+' radians/sec') res.append('*DLOAD') res.append('%s,CENTRIF,%f,0.,0.,0.,0.,1.,0.' % (cname, radsq)) elif self.ltype == 'rpm': rad = 2.0*pi*(self.val/60.0) radsq = rad**2 # square the speed in radians per sec res.append('** Rotation force on component: '+cname) res.append('** Speed = '+str(self.val)+' rotations/minute') res.append('*DLOAD') res.append('%s,CENTRIF,%f,0.,0.,0.,0.,1.,0.' % (cname, radsq)) elif self.ltype == 'matl': mat = res.append('*SOLID SECTION,ELSET=%s,MATERIAL=%s' % (cname, mat)) return res
[docs]class LinearLoad(object): """Makes a load which varies depending on x, y, or z location. Load Equation: Load(x) = const + mult*(xo - x) This load is used to set water pressure, where p = po + rho*g*(xo - x) For water pressure this becomes: - P(x) = po + (rho*g)*(xo-x) - P(x) = po + mult*(xo-x) - g is positive, xo > x Args: ltype (str): load type 'press_fluid' is the only valid option comp (Component): component that the load acts on const (float): constant term in load equation mult (float): mult term in the load equation xo (float): xo term in the load equation axis (str): axis that the load depends on 'x' or 'y' are valid options """ def __init__(self, ltype, comp, const, mult, xo, axis='x'): self.ltype = ltype self.comp = comp self.const = const self.mult = mult self.xo = xo self.axis = axis
[docs] def get_val(self, xval): """Returns the load function value at the given location. Args: xval (float): the location where we want to find the load """ res = self.const + (self.xo - xval)*self.mult return res
[docs] def get_list(self): """Returns a list of [item, val] for plotting.""" res = [] faces = self.comp.get_children() for face in faces: xvals = [getattr(n, self.axis) for n in face.nodes] xavg = sum(xvals)/len(xvals) pval = self.get_val(xavg) res.append([face, pval]) return res
[docs] def ccx(self): """Writes a load for Calculix ccx solver. Returns a list strings, where each item is a line to write to a Calculix .inp text file. """ res = [] res.append('** Fluid pressure on component: ' faces = self.comp.get_children() for face in faces: res.append('*DLOAD') xvals = [getattr(n, self.axis) for n in face.nodes] xavg = sum(xvals)/len(xvals) pval = self.get_val(xavg) myline = '%i,P%i,%f' % (,, pval) res.append(myline) return res