Source code for pycalculix.installer

import glob
import os
import re
import shutil
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib.parse import ParseResult
import zipfile

from sys import platform as platform

import requests

WINDOWS_PLATFORMS = ['win32', 'win64']
LINUX_PLATFORMS = ['linux', 'linux2']

[docs]def printos(os, bits): """Prints the operating system and bit size""" print('Detected {} {} bit'.format(os, bits))
[docs]def add(): """Installs the fea tools on windows/mac/linux""" osname = None is_64bit = sys.maxsize > 2**32 bitsize_dict = {True: 64, False: 32} bitsize = bitsize_dict[is_64bit] if platform in LINUX_PLATFORMS: printos('Linux', bitsize) ubuntu_add() elif platform == "darwin": printos('Mac OS X', bitsize) mac_add() elif platform in WINDOWS_PLATFORMS: printos('Windows', bitsize) windows_add(bitsize) print('Done!')
[docs]def remove(): """Removes the fea tools on windows/mac/linux""" osname = None is_64bit = sys.maxsize > 2**32 bitsize_dict = {True: 64, False: 32} bitsize = bitsize_dict[is_64bit] if platform in LINUX_PLATFORMS: printos('Linux', bitsize) ubuntu_remove() elif platform == "darwin": printos('Mac OS X', bitsize) mac_remove() elif platform in WINDOWS_PLATFORMS: printos('Windows', bitsize) windows_remove(bitsize) print('Done!')
[docs]def ubuntu_add(): """Adds ccx and gmsh programs on ubuntu, uses apt""" gmsh_installed = shutil.which('gmsh') if not gmsh_installed: print('Installing gmsh') command_line = "sudo apt-get install gmsh" subprocess.check_call(command_line, shell=True) else: print('gmsh present') ccx_installed = shutil.which('ccx') if not ccx_installed: print('Installing calculix (ccx)') command_line = "sudo apt-get install calculix-ccx" subprocess.check_call(command_line, shell=True) else: print('calculix (ccx) present')
[docs]def ubuntu_remove(): """Removes ccx and gmsh programs on ubuntu, uses apt""" ccx_installed = shutil.which('ccx') if not ccx_installed: print('calculix (ccx) is not on your system') else: print('Removing calculix (ccx)') command_line = "sudo apt-get remove calculix-ccx" subprocess.check_call(command_line, shell=True) gmsh_installed = shutil.which('gmsh') if not gmsh_installed: print('gmsh is not on your system') else: print('Removing gmsh') command_line = "sudo apt-get remove gmsh" subprocess.check_call(command_line, shell=True)
[docs]def mac_add(): """Adds ccx and gmsh programs on mac, uses brew""" brew_installed = shutil.which('brew') if not brew_installed: print('Installing brew') url = '' command_line = "/usr/bin/ruby -e \"$(curl -fsSL %s)\"" % url subprocess.check_call(command_line, shell=True) else: print('brew present') gmsh_installed = shutil.which('gmsh') if not gmsh_installed: print('Installing gmsh') folder_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) dmginstall_path = os.path.join(folder_path, '') url = '' command_line = '%s %s' % (dmginstall_path, url) print('command_line=%s' % command_line) subprocess.check_call(command_line, shell=True) gmsh_path = '/Applications/' command_line = "ln -s %s /usr/local/bin/gmsh" % gmsh_path subprocess.check_call(command_line, shell=True) else: print('gmsh present') ccx_installed = shutil.which('ccx') if not ccx_installed: mac_add_ccx() else: print('calculix (ccx) present')
[docs]def mac_add_ccx(): print('Installing calculix (ccx)') command_line = "brew install brewsci/science/calculix-ccx" subprocess.check_call(command_line, shell=True) ccx_path = find_brew_binary_location('calculix-ccx', 'ccx') if not ccx_path: raise Exception('Failed to find ccx binary') # link the ccx command to the ccx binary command_line = "ln -s %s /usr/local/bin/ccx" % ccx_path subprocess.check_call(command_line, shell=True) # check to see if we have the fortran that ccx needs and return if we do gcc7_to_path = "/usr/local/opt/gcc/lib/gcc/7" needed_fortran_path = "%s/libgfortran.4.dylib" % gcc7_to_path if os.path.isfile(needed_fortran_path): if os.path.islink(link_to_path): print('Linked gcc7 fortran found and used') else: print('System gcc7 fortran found and used') print('Finished installing calculix (ccx)') return # install gcc@7 with brew if we don't have it paths = glob.glob("/usr/local/Cellar/gcc@7/*") if not paths: command_line = "brew install gcc@7" subprocess.check_call(command_line, shell=True) print('Installed gcc@7 (needed by calculix)') paths = glob.glob("/usr/local/Cellar/gcc@7/*") # link gcc@7 from_path to to_path gcc7_from_path = "%s/lib/gcc/7" % paths[-1] command_line = "ln -s %s %s" % (gcc7_from_path, gcc7_to_path) subprocess.check_call(command_line, shell=True) if not os.path.isfile(needed_fortran_path): raise Exception("Install failed, libgfortran.4.dylib (a library that " "ccx needs) was NOT FOUND") print('Finished installing calculix (ccx)')
[docs]def find_brew_binary_location(package_folder, search_string): """Finds the location of a binary installed by homebrew""" match_str = '/usr/local/Cellar/%s/**/*%s*' % (package_folder, search_string) paths = glob.glob(match_str, recursive=True) for path in paths: if os.access(path, os.X_OK): return path return None
[docs]def mac_remove(): """Removes ccx and gmsh programs on mac, uses brew""" brew_installed = shutil.which('brew') if not brew_installed: print('Installing brew') url = '' command_line = "/usr/bin/ruby -e \"$(curl -fsSL %s)\"" % url subprocess.check_call(command_line, shell=True) else: print('brew present') ccx_installed = shutil.which('ccx') if not ccx_installed: print('calculix (ccx) is not on your system') else: print('Removing calculix (ccx)') # remove link to ccx command_line = "rm /usr/local/bin/ccx" subprocess.check_call(command_line, shell=True) print('Calculix (ccx) symlink was removed') # remove binary command_line = "brew uninstall calculix-ccx" subprocess.check_call(command_line, shell=True) print('Calculix (ccx) binary was removed') # remove gcc7 link if it exists gcc7_sys_path = "/usr/local/opt/gcc/lib/gcc/7" if os.path.islink(gcc7_sys_path): command_line = "rm %s" % gcc7_sys_path subprocess.check_call(command_line, shell=True) print('gcc@7 symlink was removed (it was needed by calculix)') # remove gcc@7 if it exists gcc7_brew_path = "/usr/local/Cellar/gcc@7" if os.path.isdir(gcc7_brew_path): command_line = "brew uninstall gcc@7" subprocess.check_call(command_line, shell=True) print('gcc@7 was removed (it was needed by calculix)') gmsh_installed = shutil.which('gmsh') if not gmsh_installed: print('gmsh is not on your system') else: print('Removing gmsh') command_line = "rm /usr/local/bin/gmsh" subprocess.check_call(command_line, shell=True) command_line = "rm -rf /Applications/" subprocess.check_call(command_line, shell=True)
[docs]def windows_add(bitsize): """Adds ccx and gmsh programs on windows""" gmsh_installed = shutil.which('gmsh') if not gmsh_installed: print('Installing gmsh') url = '' win_add_gmsh(bitsize, url, 'gmsh', '3.0.5') else: print('gmsh present') ccx_installed = shutil.which('ccx') if not ccx_installed: print('Installing calculix (ccx)') url = '' win_add_ccx(bitsize, url, 'ccx') else: print('calculix (ccx) present')
[docs]def windows_remove(bitsize): """Removes ccx and gmh programs on windows""" gmsh_installed = shutil.which('gmsh') if not gmsh_installed: print('gmsh is not on your system') else: print('Removing gmsh') env_path = os.getenv('VIRTUAL_ENV', sys.exec_prefix) scripts_folder = '%s\Scripts\\' % env_path remove_like(scripts_folder, 'gmsh') ccx_installed = shutil.which('ccx') if not ccx_installed: print('ccx is not on your system') else: print('Removing ccx') env_path = os.getenv('VIRTUAL_ENV', sys.exec_prefix) scripts_folder = '%s\Scripts\\' % env_path ccx_folder = '%sccx' % scripts_folder add_remove_dll_links(ccx_folder, scripts_folder, add=False) remove_like(scripts_folder, 'ccx')
[docs]def remove_like(search_path, name): """ Searches for files or folders matching name in search_path and deletes them """ match_str = '%s*%s*' % (search_path, name) paths = glob.glob(match_str) for path in paths: print('Removing %s' % path) if os.path.isfile(path): os.unlink(path) elif os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path)
[docs]def win_add_gmsh(bitsize, binaries_url, program_name, version_str): """Installs a program from an apache server file listing page""" # Needs the user agent header to exist for it to send back the content user_agent = ('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:56.0) ' 'Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0') headers = {'User-Agent': user_agent} zipfile_regex = '.*%s-%s.*' % (program_name, version_str) # Windows 10 64 bit, gmsh version: Gmsh 3.0.7-git-35176e26 hangs zipfile_name = zipfile_by_bitsize(binaries_url, headers, zipfile_regex, bitsize) zipfile_url = binaries_url + zipfile_name print('Downloading %s from %s' % (program_name, zipfile_url)) response = requests.get(zipfile_url, stream=True, headers=headers) with open(zipfile_name, 'wb') as out_file: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks out_file.write(chunk) print('Unzipping %s' % program_name) zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfile_name, 'r') zipfile_folder_name = os.path.dirname(zip_ref.namelist()[0]) zip_ref.extractall(None) zip_ref.close() print('Removing %s zipfile' % program_name) os.remove(zipfile_name) env_path = os.getenv('VIRTUAL_ENV', sys.exec_prefix) folder_to = '%s\Scripts\%s' % (env_path, zipfile_folder_name) exe_loc = '%s\%s.exe' % (folder_to, program_name) exe_link = '%s\Scripts\%s.exe' % (env_path, program_name) paths = [exe_link, folder_to] for path in paths: if os.path.isfile(path): os.unlink(path) elif os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) print('Installing %s to %s' % (program_name, folder_to)) shutil.move(zipfile_folder_name, folder_to), exe_link)
[docs]def zipfile_by_bitsize(binaries_url, headers, zipfile_regex, bitsize): """Returns the url linking to the correct zipfile""" # this is used by ccx and gmsh res = requests.get(binaries_url, headers=headers) html = res.text urls = re.findall(r'href=[\'"]?([^\'" >]+)', html) pattern = re.compile(zipfile_regex) urls = [url for url in urls if pattern.match(url)] urls = urls[-2:] url_choices = {32: urls[0], 64: urls[1]} if 'win32' in urls[1] or 'Windows32' in urls[1]: url_choices = {32: urls[1], 64: urls[0]} return url_choices[bitsize]
[docs]def get_direct_url(url, headers): """Gets the zip direct download link from the project download page""" direct_download_url = href_from_link_text(url, headers, 'Problems Downloading') parsed_download_url = urlparse(direct_download_url) if parsed_download_url.scheme not in ['http', 'https']: # url is relative, and is missing the scheme and netloc parsed_parent_url = urlparse(url) parsed_download_url = ParseResult(parsed_parent_url.scheme, parsed_parent_url.netloc, parsed_download_url.path, parsed_download_url.params, parsed_download_url.query, parsed_download_url.fragment) direct_download_url = parsed_download_url.geturl() direct_download_url = href_from_link_text(direct_download_url, headers, 'direct link') return direct_download_url
[docs]def win_add_ccx(bitsize, binaries_url, program_name): """Installs ccx on a windows computer""" # Needs the user agent header to exist for it to send back the content user_agent = ('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:56.0) ' 'Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0') headers = {'User-Agent': user_agent} zipfile_regex = '.+CL.+win.+zip/download$' zipfile_webpage_url = zipfile_by_bitsize(binaries_url, headers, zipfile_regex, bitsize) zipfile_name = zipfile_webpage_url.split('/')[-2] zipfile_url = get_direct_url(zipfile_webpage_url, headers) print('Downloading %s from %s' % (zipfile_name, zipfile_url)) response = requests.get(zipfile_url, stream=True, headers=headers) with open(zipfile_name, 'wb') as out_file: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks out_file.write(chunk) print('Unzipping %s' % program_name) zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfile_name, 'r') zipfile_folder_name = zip_ref.namelist()[0].split('/')[0] zipfile_ccx_path = zipfile_folder_name + '/bin/ccx' for member in zip_ref.namelist(): if zipfile_ccx_path in member: zip_ref.extract(member) zip_ref.close() print('Removing %s zipfile' % program_name) os.remove(zipfile_name) folder_from = '%s\\bin\\ccx' % zipfile_folder_name env_path = os.getenv('VIRTUAL_ENV', sys.exec_prefix) scripts_path = '%s\Scripts' % env_path folder_to = '%s\%s' % (scripts_path, program_name) binary_name = 'ccx212.exe' exe_loc = '%s\%s' % (folder_to, binary_name) exe_link = '%s\%s.exe' % (scripts_path, program_name) paths = [exe_link, folder_to] for path in paths: if os.path.isfile(path): os.unlink(path) elif os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) print('Installing %s to %s' % (program_name, folder_to)) shutil.move(folder_from, folder_to) shutil.rmtree(zipfile_folder_name) add_remove_dll_links(folder_to, scripts_path, add=True), exe_link)