Source code for pycalculix.components

"""This module defines the Component class, which is used to make components.

Components are collections that loads are applied to.
from . import base_classes
from . import geometry

[docs]class Component(base_classes.Idobj): """Makes a component to store loads, boundary conditions, matl, thickness. A component must store a list of items where the type is identical for all items. Args: item_list (list): list of items to store ctype (str): type of component. Options: - 'nodes': all element nodes (corner and mid-side) - 'n1': element corner nodes - 'faces': faces - 'elements': elements cname (str): component name """ def __init__(self, item_list, ctype, cname=''): self.items = item_list self.ctype = ctype = cname+'_'+ctype base_classes.Idobj.__init__(self) def __eq__(self, other): """ Returns bool telling if self == other.""" if isinstance(other, Component): if self.items == other.items and self.ctype == other.ctype: return True return False else: return False def __hash__(self): """Returns a hash of self instance.""" return
[docs] def set_name(self, name): """Set the component name to the passed name. Args: name (str): passed name, component name is changed to this """ = name
[docs] def get_name(self): """Returns the component name created with its id number.""" return 'C'+str(
[docs] def get_children(self): """Returns a list the child ctype items of the current component.""" res = [] for i in self.items: children = getattr(i, self.ctype) if isinstance(children, list): res += children else: res += [children] return res
[docs] def ccx(self): """Writes a component for Calculix ccx solver. Returns a list strings, where each item is a line to write to a Calculix .inp text file. Note: Only node and element components should use this. """ res = [] items_per_line = 6 firstline = '' if self.ctype == 'nodes': # node component, displacement firstline = '*NSET,NSET=' elif self.ctype == 'elements': # element component, materials firstline = '*ELSET,ELSET=' elif self.ctype == 'faces': # face component, contact surface firstline = '*SURFACE,NAME=%s,TYPE=ELEMENT' % res.append(firstline) items = self.get_children() if self.ctype == 'faces': for face in items: enum = fnum = res.append("%i,S%i" % (enum, fnum)) elif self.ctype in ['nodes', 'elements']: grouped_items = base_classes.chunk_list(items, items_per_line) for group in grouped_items: item_ids = [str( for x in group] line = ', '.join(item_ids) if group != grouped_items[-1]: line += ',' res.append(line) return res
[docs] def write_cgx(self): """Writes a component for Calculix cgx prerocessor. Returns a list strings, where each item is a line to write to a Calculix .fbd text file. Note: Only line and point node components should use this. """ res = [] # set the type of component parent = 'l' if (isinstance(self.items[0], geometry.Line) or isinstance(self.items[0], geometry.Arc)): parent = 'l' elif isinstance(self.items[0], geometry.Point): parent = 'p' # pull the list of entities alist = ' '.join([a.get_name() for a in self.items]) if self.ctype == 'n1': # write component of line element first order nodes res.append('seta '' '+parent+' '+alist) elif self.ctype == 'nodes': res.append('seta '' '+parent+' '+alist) res.append('comp '' do') # write component of all line element nodes elif self.ctype == 'f': # write component of line element faces res.append('seta '' '+parent+' '+alist) res.append('comp '' do') res.append('comp '' do') return res
[docs] def write_gmsh(self): """Writes a component for gmsh mesher. Returns a list strings, where each item is a line to write to a Calculix .geo text file. Note: Only line and point node components should use this. """ res = [] # set the type of component parent = 'l' if (isinstance(self.items[0], geometry.Line) or isinstance(self.items[0], geometry.Arc)): parent = 'l' elif isinstance(self.items[0], geometry.Point): parent = 'p' # pull the list of entities alist = ','.join([str( for a in self.items]) line = '' if parent == 'l': line = "Physical Line('""') = {" + alist + '};' elif parent == 'p': line = "Physical Point('""') = {" + alist + '};' res.append(line) return res